Friday, April 22 marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day with countless traditions being formed nationally and internationally over the years to commemorate the holiday.
Originally published April 15, 2022
Friday, April 22 marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day with countless traditions being formed nationally and internationally over the years to commemorate the holiday.
For the past three years in the Triboro Ecodistrict, and specifically in Etna and Sharpsburg, a long held rivalry has given way for the lively and goodhearted Annual Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge.
Taking place from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 23 this year, the litter clean-up challenge encourages residents to adopt streets in their neighborhoods to collect trash and beautify their borough.
“The Earth Day Challenge is a great opportunity for Sharpsburgers to get together to show how much we care about our town, clean up our streets, and outshine Etna in the process. I’m especially excited about the free tree giveaway this year through Tree Pittsburgh!” said Matt Briley from Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization.
The clean-up ends at 12 p.m. and will be followed by a celebration in Etna’s Riverfront Trail & Park with food trucks, beverage vendors, and a free concert featuring Sierra Sellers. The coveted Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day trophy will also be handed off to the new reigning champion.
For Etna residents: the first 125 volunteers at the Etna Borough building, 437 Butler St., the morning of the clean-up will receive a free Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge 2022 t-shirt. Supplies will be provided to volunteers and can be picked up at the borough building beginning at 8 a.m. Free saplings are also available from Tree Pittsburgh via this Tree Adoption form and can be picked up at the celebration in the park following the clean-up. Click here for the official sign-up sheet and to adopt a street.
For Sharpsburg residents: The first 50 volunteers to sign-up from Sharpsburg will receive a free Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge 2022 t-shirt. Supplies will be provided by Sharpsburg Environmental Advisory Council and will be available at the Sharpsburg Borough building, 1611 Main St., the day of the event at 8 a.m. and in the days leading up to the event. Free saplings are also available from Tree Pittsburgh via this Tree Adoption form and can be picked up at the celebration in the park following the clean-up. Click here for the official sign-up sheet and to adopt a street.
Millvale will also be celebrating Earth Day beginning at 8 a.m. at the Millvale Community Center, 416 Lincoln Ave., and then divide volunteers into four groups to focus on: street clean-up, playground prep work, Millvale Community Library clean-up, and trail building in Girty’s Woods. Protective equipment, trash bags, and high visibility vests will be provided based on the project. At noon, volunteers will be invited to join a celebration of food, music, and vendors at the future site of the new borough playground.
Special thanks to Etna-Sharpsburg Earth Day Challenge donors: The AM Group, Rear End Gastropub & Garage, Garden of Etna, Cop Out Pierogies, Triboro Ecodistrict, NC Hair Studio, and Farine Lawn Care.