Triboro Ecodistrict

Our equity logo is a hot pink circle with a white image of a scale. Equity is the first quality of life lens for the Triboro Ecodistrict, and acts as an umbrella for food, water, air quality, energy, and mobility. The food icon is a pure circle with the image of a white apple in the center, and signifies the Triboro Ecodistrict's focus on eliminating food insecurity and food waste in the three boroughs.  The water icon is the third quality of life lens for the Triboro Ecodistrict and is the image of a blue circle with a white drop of water in the center. It communicates the three communities dedication to reduce and eliminate flooding in Millvale, Etna, and Sharpsburg by using environmental tactics to quell erosion.Air quality is one of the six quality of life lenses in the Triboro Ecodistrict's focus areas and is represented by an image of a dark blue circle with white lines representing air in the middle. Air quality in Allegheny County is amongst the worst in the county, and Millvale, Etna, and Sharpsburg are dedicated advocates to reducing pollution and improving air quality for its residents and beyond.Energy is one of the quality of life lenses and represented by a golden yellow circle with the image of a white lighting bolt that has an arrow at the bottom of it, in the center of the circle. The triboro Ecodistrict has created a triboro solar co op, and works with local solar providers to offer deals on solar panels for residents homes and small businesses and organizations in the three boroughs. Mobility is one of the Triboro Ecodistricts quality of life lenses that is represented by a green circle and the image of the front of a bus and a person stepping on the bus, both in white. It is important to provide safe and easily accessible transportation for Millvale, Etna, and Sharpsburg residents. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles all coexist together, and the Triboro aims to create a safe and Sustainable environment for all.

The Triboro Ecodistrict is a network that promotes coordinated sustainable community development throughout the Boroughs of Millvale, Etna and Sharpsburg. With over 10,000 residents combined, these Allegheny River Towns are building on a strong collaborative history to promote sustainable community development through the shared lenses of: Equity, Food, Water, Energy, Air Quality, and Mobility.


the three boroughs

Millvale borough is a river town located in Allegheny County and is the world's second certified ecodistrict. Their quality of life lenses include equity, food, water, mobility, energy, and air quality.


Millvale's Ecodistrict planning began in 2012 and ignited a movement within the Pittsburgh region.

Etna borough is the world's first certified Ecodistrict, putting sustainable and equitable development at the forefront of the boroughs community vision plan. Etna is a river town that works with small businesses, residents, and local organizations to create a healthier living environment for all.


Covering one square mile along the banks of the Allegheny River, Etna is the worlds first certified Ecodistrict.

Sharpsburg borough is the world's third certified Ecodistrict. This river town located in Allegheny County is home to sustainable, equitable, and economic development. Sharpsburg borough initiatives aim to create a more equitable community with a focus on food, water, air quality, energy, and mobility.


Sharpsburg completed its Community Vision Plan in 2019 and gained EcoDistricts Certification in 2021.


Advisory board

Triboro Ecodistrict offers workshops and programs for youth and adults to become more sustainable and equitable. The youth solar workforce development program from the Triboro offers a career path for Millvale, Etna, and Sharpsburg. Through this program, Triboro youth installed solar panels on the roof of a shed at the Garden of Millvale with EIS Solar.

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